Entertainer Taylor Swift made a brief appearance on the YouTube special “Dear Class of 2020,” telling quarantined high school graduates that she can relate to their experience because she missed her ceremony, too, even if hers was a voluntary MIA experience.
The pop star told the virtually assembled that this was “not the graduation you thought you were going to be having. I relate to that in a lot of ways. When I was younger I used to fantasize about high school graduation and being with all of your friends and cap and gown and the whole thing. Then when I got to that point in my life where graduation was coming up, I found myself on radio tour with my mom in rental cars, sitting on the floors of airports, and I ended up being mailed my diploma.
“So it wasn’t exactly what I pictured, but I was still really proud of it,” added Swift (who did not perform). “And I guess one good lesson to come from it is expect the unexpected, but celebrate anyway. I’m so proud of you guys and I hope that you have a wonderful time and are really proud of yourselves.”